{ Actions / Reactions } @ Stół Powszechny
{ Actions / Reactions } @ Stół Powszechny
22 sierpnia 2024/ Warszawa
„Actions/Reactions” is an improvisational performance by the Ukrainian guitarist, composer and leader-conductor of the „Ukrainian Improvisers Orchestra” Dmytro Radzetskyi, together with the musicians of the „Sound In Space Orchestra” and guests. The concept of this musical performance is a spontaneous improvisational approach to music creation in a large group of musicians, and Actions create Reactions – we all feel the need to act, sometimes even when it seems impossible. The modern world needs decisive actions that are a reaction to what is happening. And vice versa – a reaction to something generates actions. This is the essence of the closed circle „Actions/Reactions”.
Dmytro Radzetskyi: “The idea of creating a joint performance with polish improvisers is an exchange of creativity, knowledge and experience. I am very glad that the musicians agreed to this proposal, and I am really interested in what we will create together. Especially for this concert, I prepared some of my graphic scores/conceptions/ideas/techniques, which I used in the work with the Ukrainian Improvisers Orchestra, and I am very interested in how it can sound with this new project – how the musicians will interpret these ideas, how it can all get a new life. During the creation of the „U.I.O.” 10 years ago in Kyiv, I studied many improvisers orchestras of the world, and then I paid special attention to polish improvisers – I was very interested in listening to the forms of their improvisations, researching compositions and styles. And I am very glad that now I will have the opportunity to cooperate with this wonderful musicians. For me, as a Ukrainian musician, such collaborations are very important from both a cultural and social point of view – it allows to continue artistic
activity, gain new experience, share ideas and thoughts with Polish artists and listeners, and feel supported in such difficult times.”
tax: 30
guest list: TBA
Data: 22 sierpnia 2024
Miejsce: Stół Powszechny
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