Koncert #312 Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt (US) (Thrill Jockey Records)
Legenda noise rocka z Providence po 10 latach wraca do Poznania. Brian Gibson (bas) i Brian Chippendale (perkusja, wokal) tworzą jeden z najbardziej energicznych i charakterystycznych duetów, a za pozornym szaleństwem na scenie kryje się najczystsze katharsis jakie dotychczas przeżyliście.
50zł (przedsprzedaż) (napisz do nas)
60zł (w dniu koncertu)
Over the course of its two-decade existence, Lightning Bolt has revolutionized underground rock in immeasurable ways. The duo broke the barrier between stage and audience by setting themselves up on the floor in the midst of the crowd. Their momentous live performances and the mania they inspired paved the way for similar tactics used by Dan Deacon and literally hundreds of others. Similarly, the band’s recordings have always been chaotic, roaring, blown out documents that sound like they could destroy even the toughest set of speakers. Fantasy Empire, Lightning Bolt’s sixth album and first in five years, is a fresh take from a band intent on pushing themselves musically and sonically while maintaining the aesthetic that has defined not only them, but an entire generation of noisemakers. It marks many firsts, most notably their first recordings made using hi-fi recording equipment at the famed Machines With Magnets, and their first album for Thrill Jockey. More than any previous album, Fantasy Empire sounds like drummer Brian Chippendale and bassist Brian Gibson are playing just a few feet away, using the clarity afforded by the studio to amplify the intensity they project. Every frantic drum hit, every fuzzed-out riff, sounds more present and tangible than ever before.
50zł (presale) (write to us)
60zł (at the entrance)
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