Koncert: YlangYlang //OP #46
Baza, ul. Floriańska 15, Kraków
10.04.2018, godz. 20.00
bilety: 15 PLN
Solowy projekt kanadyjskiej artystki Catherine Debard, wywodzącej się ze sceny muzyki eksperymentalnej w Montrealu. Catherine publikuje i koncertuje pod tym pseudonimem od 2012 roku. Jej muzyka to zapis prywatnych doświadczeń, wspomnień i emocji, a jednocześnie delikatne balansowanie na styku improwizacji i kompozycji, formy abstrakcyjnej i piosenkowej. YlanYlang zagrała wiele koncertów w Kanadzie i USA, występowała także na licznych festiwalach, m.in. Suoni Per Il Popolo, Mutek, Electric Eclectics czy Strangewaves. Tworzy także instalacje i soundtracki do gier komputerowych.
Recenzje ostatniej płyty ‘Life Without Structures’
‘…gorgeously immersive.’ -Exclaim
‘Montreal-based artist Catherine Debard . . . has a particular affection for music as an experiential medium. To her, it’s a
melodic liquid capable of transferring memories and thoughts from one person to another in an incredibly intimate manner. It
can be less about the concrete structure of each track and more about the emotions behind each tick, whir and electronic
transmission. She suggests that these electronic sounds might possess an inherent humanity that allows them to work their
roots deep into our subconsciouses without us even realizing it. She’s spent the past few years creating a history of releases
that speak to this very concept in a real and meaningful way . . . She elicits a certain pop consciousness that retains its hold
on you long after the music has grown quiet. It’s more than a little miraculous.’ -Nooga
‘There’s a spookiness here rooted less in midnight ghouls and more the everyday horror of a trip to the drugstore with a
headcold.’ -Cabin Floor Quarterly
‘…consistently fantastic . . . a thoughtful and introspective take on new age pop.’ -Silent Shout
‘Fell in love with this tape immediately. Split evenly between propulsive drum machine rhythms and hazy ambience, the
album is perfectly sequenced. What I imagine the soundtrack to a hypnotherapy appointment would sound like. Gentle
vocals float above washes of synths, the lyrics hinting at self-discovery and ego-critique.’ -Your Record Collection Sucks
‘Somewhat surprisingly, YlangYlang chooses an ambient/new-age pop packaging to wrap her latest offerings up in.
However, in Debard’s hands 'pop’ is reconstituted with minimal beats, washes of drone, and of course her innate
strangeness. Maybe slightly more accessible than [her] usual, but just as satisfying as ever.’ -Ride the Tempo
‘You take the abstract with the concrete… one informs the other, everyone’s happy in the end. Debard’s attention to melody,
while set adrift in a sea of at-times formless mood, is the key grounding point to Life Without Structure, an anchor holding the
listener in place as the sea of tone shifts around them.’ -Cassette Gods
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