Martial Canterel + Mazut
Martial Canterel is the solo project of Brooklyn-based musician Sean McBride (who also performs as half of the duo Xeno & Oaklander). He began under the moniker Moravagine before he started releasing limited edition cassettes and playing Brooklyn dives as Martial Canterel in 2002. Crafting his electronic sound in a peculiar intersection between avant-garde and pop, Martial Canterel merges the influences of the first wave of relatively unknown minimal electronic bands from northern Europe with seminal industrial noise bands such as Throbbing Gristle and SPK while simultaneously giving nods to the smoothly stylish song craft of early British New Wave. Martial Canterel records and performs using analogue synthesizers, sequencers, and drum machines exclusively, providing a visceral kick best felt on the dance floor, amidst a flurry of flesh in motion. The mastery of his composition technique, along with a unique talent for melodies, and coupled with vocals and lyrics that reflect the pitfalls and pleasures of our age, McBride produces gems of extreme noise pop, making use of all its unexpected ingredients.
Having put out releases on numerous labels including Xanten, Genetic Music, Tarantulla Productions, Electric Voice Records, and Pieter Schoolweth’s legendary Wierd Records, Martial Canterel’s dark and danceable anthems have flooded North America and Europe, garnering both critical acclaim and a rapidly growing ardent fan base. Dais, having recognized the sheer talent and genius of McBride’s vast creative output, picked up Martial Canterel for his LP Gyors/Lassù in 2014. This release marked an important milestone in McBride’s musical evolution, because it progresses far beyond the cages of “minimal synth” by embracing its noisier qualities with a renewed urgency. With only Serge and Roland 100 modular systems at his disposal, McBride flushed out the entire session in one take, rendering sine waves into walls of guitar-like noise while stretching out and liquefying what were once very precise staccato synth arpeggios into layers of violent bliss.
Mazut to warszawski duet założony przez Pawła Starca i Michała Turowskiego. Mazut to dużo kolorowych efektów, zabawkowy klawisz, stare radioodbiorniki, dyktafony, znalezione na śmieciach i zakupione na pchlich targach magnetofonowe taśmy, mikrofony, samplery, syntezatory, automaty perkusyjne i masa innych sprzętów. Mazut to działanie na pograniczu lo-fi acid techno, industrialu i szeroko pojętego hałasu. Mazut to estetyzacja przemocy. Mazut to muzyka brudna, prosta i prymitywna. Mazut to szamanizm i ciągła repetycja. Mazut to wieczna improwizacja. Do tej pory wydali trzy studyjne materiały i od cholery koncertowych bootlegów w mp3. Warto sprawdzić ich najnowszy album, wymęczony w pocie, krwi i bólu egzystencji, ATLAS.
I pula 35 zł
II pula 40 zł
III pula 50 zł (na bramce w dniu koncertu)
Nadchodzące wydarzenia
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