Robert Piotrowicz / Mike Majkowski • w Spatifie
Duet PIOTROWICZ-MAJKOWSKI posługuję się głównie technikami improwizowanymi, zarówno w zakresie budowania wspólnej kompozycji jak i operowania materiałem instrumentalnym. Choć w odmienny sposób to obu twórców charakteryzuje pierwiastek minimalizmu, któremu jednak daleko do konwencji. To raczej ogólny łącznik niż dogmat. Majkowski i Piotrowicz przywiązują wielką wagę do barwy i energii dźwięku, na równi z jego organizacją i potencjałem narratywnym. Instrumentalnie duet uzupełnia i wymienia się nie tylko w zakresie rejestrów ale i artykulacji. Obaj muzycy są doświadczeni we współpracy z innymi artystami a także jako kompozytorzy •••••
ROBERT PIOTROWICZ is a sound artist, composer and improviser, co-founder of Musica Genera Festival and a label, Musica Genera. Apart from releasing solo albums, he has also published joint projects created in collaboration with C. Spencer Yeh, Kevin Drumm, Jérôme Noetinger, Burkhard Stangle and Anna Zaradny. He is an author of audio dramas, installations and theatre music; moreover, he collaborates with other artists on audio-visual forms and theatre plays. He regularly performs within numerous music festivals all over the world. When performing live, Robert Piotrowicz creates rich, detailed forms, with the use of an analogue synthesizer and computer. His music is equally strongly related with contemporary electro-acoustic compositions and sound art.
MIKE MAJKOWSKI is a double bass player born in Sydney, Australia. He currently resides in Berlin. Mike Majkowski is an outstanding improviser who feels in his element both when playing jazz and in the field of musical experiments. His family hails from Gdańsk Wrzeszcz. Recently, Mike Majkowski started to collaborate with the most prominent Polish independent musicians, such as Mikołaj Trzaska (together with whom he worked on a joint project with Remont Pomp – an album titled “Złota Platyna”), Łukasz Rychlicki and Paweł Szpura (as Lotto). Earlier, he collaborated with such artists as, inter alia, Mike Nock, Bob Mintzer, Kristin Berardi, Jim Denley, Jon Rose, Chris Abrahams, Robbie Avenaim. Mike Majkowski co-founded The Splinter Orchestra, a large electro-acoustic ensemble concentrated on creating improvised music. Moreover, he is also a member of ROIL (together with Chris Abrahams and James Waples). Apart from collaborating with other artists, he has released two solo albums as well.