Soundcamp /\ Reveil 7
Soundcamp invite you to listen and contribute to Reveil: a live, crowd-sourced broadcast of the sounds of daybreak over the first weekend in May. Reveil is a mobile survey of planetary soundscapes lasting one earth day.
Contribute live sounds:
Listen to the broadcast:
The Reveil schedule will bring together microphones from open windows, rooftops, gardens, forests, underwater and electromagnetic sites. The broadcast works with the Locus Sonus network to share sounds, ecologies and atmospheres as part of an emerging Acoustic Commons.
An extended radio program will feature new online commissions supported by Arts Council England:
• Pitch, a collaboration between Public Works, Soundcamp and Michael Speers, will prototype listening and transmission structures to connect the School for Civic Action in Creative Quarantine.
• Open Work, Second Body (Sophie Dyer, Sasha Engelmann) will use a home made receiver to relay live atmospheric data from satellites over South London.
• Nightcall Radio (Kate Donovan – Berlin CET) will create a radio ecosystem spanning scales and species at dusk.
• Ella Finer will convene the Acoustic Commons Study Group.
• Hannah Kemp-Welch will develop broadcasting and listening tools for families.
• Rachel Sale (Devon, BST) will make Instagram drawings in London from live listening notes by Rachel Yalisove (Philadelphia – EST).
• Iain Boulton, Jo Kennedy, Mike Bullock and Cliff Hammett will be talking about bats, sharing bat sounds and improvising with bat related data.
Plus streams and remote performances from the #acousticommons network:
Full Of Noises (Cumbria UK) • Locus Sonus (Aix FR) Radio CONA (Ljubljana SLO) • TEI/HMU (Crete GR) • Cyberforest (Tokyo JP)
Tune in on Wave Farm (US), Resonance Extra (UK) and participating stations for a program and full list of contributors
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