Tacit knowledge – Audiopaper meeting
Tacit knowledge – Audiopaper meeting
28 stycznia 2025/ online
Who makes audiopapers? How artists and researchers reimagine scholarly formats from sound?
You are cordially invited to an online mini-symposium, in which the authors of the two recent projects – London Voices and Sound Archives – will introduce and discuss their works.
This mini-symposium presents an opportunity to meet the authors of these two audio-paper editions, who will talk about communicating their ideas through sound, navigating a sonic format, and their inspirations to discuss arts, politics, society, or history – sonically.
We have an exciting programme and packed schedule. And there will be time and opportunity for the audience to enter into the discussions and participate via the chat.
The presenters for the evening are:
Agata Dyczko, Epitaph for corvids: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/o-wierze-w-archiwa/
Tom Costello, Sounding Silly, Sounding Together: Cracking Professionalism at the Neoliberal University: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/sounding-silly-sounding…/
Cai Gwilym Pritchard, A person made this: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/a-person-made-this/
(time for discussion)
Aleksandra Przybysz, Still no explanation: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/still-no-explanation/
Karen Werner, Archive of future signals: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/the-archive-of-future…/
Katharina Schmidt, Read with thine ears: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/read-with-thine-ears/
(time for discussion)
Max Bober/Archivo de lo Audible, Recording the wind intuitions, narratives and poetical practices in Patagonian realities: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/recording-the-wind/
Anna Wójcikowska, Beyond the score. The Warsaw Music Workshop’s open performance captured in archival recordings: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/ponad-partytura/
Juice Cui, How do composers expand their sound work in graphic scores: How do composers create, performers read and listeners understand them? https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/graphic-scores-revisited/
Yusuf Mahmood, Taqwacore: An ethnographic insight: https://audiopapers.glissando.pl/taqwacore/
We strongly encourage you to listen to as many audiopapers as you can before the meeting, as the presentations might dive into details
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Please write to our coordinator Natalia Glinka-Hebel at natalia.glinka.hebel@glissando.pl to sign up for a link. We will send the meeting link on 28 January during the day.
Data: 28 stycznia 2025
Miejsce: online
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