Beyond the Museum Analogy
Sensing sound, sensitive curating The first part was the easiest to miss. The quiet of the gallery enticed us from […]
Sensing sound, sensitive curating The first part was the easiest to miss. The quiet of the gallery enticed us from […]
Diversity and curating At first glance, the two overarching themes of this #43 issue of Glissando seem too broad to […]
Contemporary music magazine „Glissando” invites you to contribute to the upcoming #43 issue on Diversity. Curating. Contemporary music and sound […]
1. Ablinger YouTube party to tytuł artykułu, który zapowiada #występygościnne. Nasz redaktor Krzysztof Marciniak na łamach „Dwutygodnika” pisze o austriackim kompozytorze […]